Last Updated: 01/09/2024

Our Privacy Notice is available in PDF form here.

At Pendleton Cigar Ltd Co, your safety and trust are essential to us. For that reason, we are committed to handling your information in a way that is transparent, fair, and worthy of that trust. In this notice, we will explain how we collect, use, disclose, retain, and protect the information that we collect about you. We also let you know about your rights. Therefore, we encourage you to read this notice.

1. Why we are & Who we are

Everything we do should put you at ease and hopefully produce a smile.

Founded in the spring of 2023, Pendleton Cigar Ltd is a family of enthusiasts who love premium cigars and taking time to enjoy those cigars, be it through a reclusive moment or in the company of great friends. The city of Pendleton, South Carolina, and the surrounding areas are our playground, but we always welcome the chance to broaden our horizons with new friends and neighbors. We are committed to providing access to quality cigars, venues, events, and knowledge flowing from the love of great tobacco. In fulfilling our purpose, trying to ease the mind, body, and soul, we live by our values:


We insist on truthfulness with our customers, each other, and our vendors. We expect and value openness.

We act by following our values, even when it’s complicated.

We treat all with dignity and value the opinions and perspectives of others.

We protect our customers and each other from injury within a safe and secure environment. We all contribute to safety at events, in transit, or the workplace.

We welcome the differences in backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities that supply varied knowledge and a more vibrant experience.

We value the collaboration, teamwork, and active involvement of all associates. We also seek to gain any input from our extended family/customers.

2. What this notice covers

This notice covers information we collect from and about our customers and prospective customers, including, for example, when they visit or make a purchase on one of our websites or mobile applications, visit or purchase products in one of our stores, interact with our advertisements, join one of our loyalty programs, interact with us through social media, participate in consumer research, promotions, contests, or otherwise access or use one of our service offerings. This notice also applies to personal information we collect about individuals with whom we have a business relationship.

Additional disclosures apply if you live in the following jurisdictions:

3. what information we collect

We collect the information hereafter to save you time and money and improve your shopping experience. We have grouped the information we collect into categories, with some information listed in multiple categories. Because we only collect information when needed for a particular purpose, not all this information will apply to you:

  • Personal identifiers, such as name, online identifiers like user account names, state and federal government ID numbers (where required), signatures, and unique identifiers that we associate with you. Sometimes, we may scan your driver’s license to verify you are old enough to make a restricted purchase. If we scan your license for this purpose, we do not retain your driver’s license number after we verify your age.

  • Contact information, including your email, postal address, billing address, delivery or shipping address, and phone numbers.

  • Financial and payment information such as credit, debit, or other card numbers.

  • Transaction and commercial information, such as your purchase and transaction histories. Concerning individuals who interact with us in a business context, we may have commercial information about our relationship with you.

  • Account information, including your membership information, household’s unique ID numbers (including username, Membership ID, and Alternate IDs); username, password, security questions; purchase information, address information; email and text communication preferences, including your communication preferences relating to orders, marketing, and other activities; your advertising preferences.

  • Online and technical information such as your IP address and device or other persistent identifiers, browser type and version, time zone setting, device characteristics, browsing data, data related to your viewing of (and interactions with) our advertisements, website and app usage information, and other information that we collect using cookies, pixels, SDKs, and other similar technologies.

  • Location data, including geolocation and, with your consent, precise geolocation information.

  • Usage information about how you use our websites, mobile applications, and other service offerings.

  • Communication preferences, including your preferences in receiving marketing and purchase-based advertising.

  • Sensory data such as CCTV recordings from our facilities or premises. Some of our cameras may capture license plate data for security purposes, protecting customers’ and associates’ health and safety and preventing, investigating, and prosecuting shoplifting, fraud, and other criminal activities. We may record your voice when you contact our customer service center.

  • General demographic information, including age, marital or family status, languages spoken, education information, gender, employment information, or other demographic information.

  • User content, including product reviews and other feedback or content you may provide us.

  • Inferences include information derived from other information that we have collected. We create inferred and derived data elements by analyzing your shopping history and other information we have collected about you to personalize product offerings, your shopping experience, marketing messages, and promotional offers.

Some of the information about you may include personal information that can be used to identify you, like name, address, and email address. In certain states, the definition of personal information may be broader and include IP addresses, mobile device IDs, and unique identifiers used by cookies. When the information we collect about you is considered personal under applicable law, we treat it as personal information.

Personal information does not include data where your identity has been removed so that we can no longer identify you or that we aggregate so that you can no longer be identified, which we may use for any purpose.

Children’s Privacy

Our websites are for adult audiences only and are not geared toward children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under 21. If you believe your child may have disclosed personal information to us, please call 1(864)631-5090, and we will remove it..

4. how we collect information

The following are examples of how we may collect your information:

You or a member of your household purchase our products or services

If you enter your Membership ID or Alternate ID when you purchase our products or services, we will collect your purchase information and associate it with you or your household.

You provide it to us directly

You may give us personal information or provide it to us directly, including:

  • Information you provide when you register for an account, enroll in our membership program, add items to your cart on one of our websites or apps, place an order, post reviews or other content, purchase one of our services, or when you otherwise contact us about our websites, products, or services. We may ask you for information when you report a problem to us.

  • Records and copies of your correspondence (including emails) and voicemail messages.

  • Your responses to surveys that you complete for consumer research purposes.

  • Your search queries on our websites or in our mobile applications.

Information from your store visits

We may collect information using technology in our stores and premises, such as cameras and CCTV. This technology is used for operational and security purposes, protecting customers’ and associates’ health and safety and preventing, investigating, and prosecuting shoplifting, fraud, and other criminal activities. In some locations, we may have cameras capable of collecting biometric information. We provide notice at the point of entry in those stores.

Information from your device

We may collect information from a device associated with you or your household. For example, we may collect information automatically when you browse our websites, use our mobile apps or other online services, or view or interact with our advertisements. If you choose to connect to our in-store wireless service, we may collect information about your device so you can connect automatically.

We receive it from others

We may receive personal information about you from others, including, for example, data analytics providers, data enrichment providers, ad networks, and consumer research providers. We may also receive information about you from commercially available sources such as data aggregators and public databases.

If you use your Google or other third-party account to create an account with us, we may receive certain information about you from them to enable us to create your account. When we receive this information, we use it only as necessary to provide the services our clients have requested that we perform on their behalf.

Finally, occasionally, we receive information from others that has been de-identified so that it is no longer personal information under applicable law. When we receive de-identified data from others, we commit to maintaining and using it in de-identified form without attempting to re-identify it.

5. Cookies & other technologies


A cookie is a small data file your browser stores on your device. We use cookies to deliver a better experience by, for example, remembering your preferences and opt-outs.

Other examples of why we use cookies include:

  • To learn about how you interact with our websites

  • To detect and prevent fraud

  • To conduct analytics activities

  • To improve our websites and services

In many cases, the data collected through these cookies is controlled by us, but in some cases, the data collected through them is controlled by our vendors or other third parties.

Cookies may remain on your device for an extended period. If you use your browser’s method of blocking or removing cookies, some, but not all, types of cookies may be deleted or blocked. If you delete or block cookies, some functionality on our websites may not work correctly.

Other Tracking Technologies

In addition to cookies, we may use other tracking technologies with our websites, mobile applications, advertisements, and other digital service offerings.

Like cookies, we often control the data collected through these other technologies. However, vendors or third parties, such as our clients, sometimes collect the data through these other technologies.

Examples of other tracking technologies include:

Web Beacons

Web beacons are embedded images or objects used on web pages or emails. Examples of why we may use web beacons include:

  • For business analytics purposes, such as understanding the number of people who visit a webpage or view specific content within a webpage

  • To improve our websites and services

  • To detect and prevent fraud

  • To verify system and server integrity-Embedded Scripts

We may use embedded scripts that collect information about your interactions with our websites, mobile apps, and advertisements. These scripts are temporarily loaded into your web browser and active only while connected to our website, mobile app, or advertisement.

Location-Identifying Technologies

We may use GPS (Global Positioning Systems), beacons, or other location-identifying technologies to locate your device for various notified purposes, such as having your order ready for pickup when you arrive at our store or to serve you timely advertisements.

In-App Tracking Technologies

Our mobile applications may use in-app tracking technologies, including code from packages called software development kits (SDKs). SDKs are tools that help our mobile apps function in some way.

For example, we may use code from SDKs in our mobile apps to:

  • Develop our apps to work with specific operating systems or platforms

  • Provide you with an in-app map

  • Personalize advertising

Like with cookies, in many cases, the data collected through these SDKs is controlled by us, but in some cases, the data collected through these SDKs is controlled by our vendors or other third parties.

Unlike cookies, SDKs and other in-app tracking technologies are not browser-based and cannot be controlled through browser settings.

Device and Activity Monitoring Technologies

We may use technologies that monitor and record your experience and interactions with our websites and mobile apps, such as the features you engage with, how you navigate our websites and mobile apps, your keystrokes, cursor movements, scrolling activity, and click-related activity. These technologies may also collect and analyze information from your device, such as your operating system, plug-ins, and system fonts..

Examples of why we may monitor your experiences and interactions include:

  • To troubleshoot

  • To understand and improve our websites, mobile apps, and services

  • To customize your experience

  • To respond to your inquiries and requests

  • To detect and prevent fraud

  • To detect security incidents and other malicious activity

  • To verify system and server integrity

Third-Party Interactive Features

We may engage vendors to provide certain interactive features on our website. Using these interactive features on our website is voluntary, and we may retain the information you submit through these features. For example, we may offer an interactive chat feature on the website to assist you with your order and other customer service purposes. When you participate in the interactive chat, the contents of the chat may be captured and kept as a transcript. By using these features, our vendors may process the information obtained through them to provide the service on our behalf.

Third-Party Analytics

We may use Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or other analytics providers to obtain analytics information about our websites and applications. These analytics providers may use cookies and other tracking technologies that help us analyze how you use or interact with our websites, services, advertisements, and mobile applications.

More information about Google Analytics can be found in the Google Analytics Terms of Use and Google Analytics Privacy Policy. You may exercise the choices regarding cookie ues from Google Analytics by downloading the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, which is available here.

6. how we use your information

We use your information to:

  • Provide you with the products and services you purchase or request.

  • Improve your shopping experience.

  • Improve our products and services.

  • Fulfill your requests.

  • Personalize our product offerings, services, and marketing to you.

  • Maintain and service your accounts.

  • Support our business operations and functions, including fraud prevention, marketing, merchandising, security, and legal.

Below are more specific examples of how we use your information:

  • To provide you with the products and services you purchase or request, such as securely processing your payments, fulfilling your orders or requests, verifying your age for restricted purchases, and providing customer service.

  • To operate our businesses, including our retail operations, mobile applications, and websites.

  • To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including personalized offers, coupons, and advertisements. We may also use purchased-based advertising to show you advertisements and offers that are more relevant to you on other websites, mobile apps, and digital channels.

  • For Interest-Based Advertising purposes.

  • To communicate with you, such as providing account notifications or order status updates, product recall notifications, confirming your preferences, engaging with you on social media, or providing relevant information about programs, contests, sweepstakes, or other promotions or offerings.

  • For research purposes, including learning about our customers’ experience with a new store design, product, or service offering.

  • To design and develop new product and service offerings

  • To conduct business analytics for such purposes as forecasting and planning, developing statistics on engagement with our websites and applications, and measuring how well marketing and promotional activities perform.

  • For safety and security purposes, including:

    • Detect and respond to threats to both our in-store and online operations

    • Protect the health and safety of our customers, associates, and the public; and

    • Prevent, investigate, and prosecute shoplifting, fraud, and other criminal activities

  • To improve how we do business, your shopping experience, and our products and services.

  • For other internal business purposes, such as:

    • To authenticate users of our websites and applications.

    • For quality control and training.

    • System administration and technology management, including optimizing our websites and applications.

    • For record-keeping and auditing purposes.

    • For risk management, investigations, reporting, and other legal and compliance reasons.

    • To Identify prospective customers, business clients, suppliers, and other vendors.

    • Administer our relationships with customers, business clients, suppliers, and other vendors.

    • In connection with mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, or similar corporate transactions.

  • To fulfill our legal obligations.

  • To fulfill or meet the request for which the information is provided

  • To fulfill other notified purposes described to you when we collect your data.

7. how we share your information

We may share your information as follows:

  • Service Providers: We may share your information with vendors, service providers, and our affiliated companies that we engage to provide services to us on our behalf, such as support for the internal operations of our websites and mobile applications (including payment processors and third parties we use to process orders on our behalf), electronic mail, mobile messages, product and service delivery, analyzing to improve our products, services, websites and store experiences, research, digital marketing, fulfilling orders you place, managing payments and answering your questions. Service providers only use the information they receive from us for the purposes they were hired for. We don’t allow them to retain, use, disclose, or otherwise handle the personal information for their purposes.

  • Ad Tech Companies and Other Providers: We may share or make available limited personal information such as a mobile ad ID (MAID) or an Identifier for Advertisers (IDFAs)with ad tech companies and other online providers of services. When we share your information in this context, we follow applicable legal requirements, which may require we provide opt-out rights or other individual rights.

  • Legal Requirements and Government Authorities: We may share your personal information where we believe the disclosure is required by law or otherwise necessary to comply with the law, regulatory requirements, requests from public authorities, or to enforce our agreements or policies to protect the rights and property of our customers, the company, our partners or the public (including for fraud prevention purposes and to prevent, investigate and prosecute criminal activities).

  • Security and Safety Disclosures: Where permitted by applicable law, we may disclose your personal information to our affiliates and other persons and entities to protect the rights, safety, security, and property of our customers, associates, and the public. We may also disclose this information to protect and enforce our rights (including for fraud prevention purposes and to prevent, investigate, and prosecute criminal activities) and to assist others to do the same.

  • Corporate Transaction: We may disclose personal information as part of any actual or contemplated merger, sale, transfer of assets, acquisition, bankruptcy, or similar event, including related to due diligence conducted before such event, where permitted by law.

  • With Notice or Consent: We may also disclose information about you, including personal information, to other third parties where we have provided specific notice or asked for your consent, as required by law.

Notwithstanding anything else in this notice, we may share data that has been aggregated or de-identified so that it is no longer considered personal information for any purpose. When we share aggregated or de-identified data, we require recipients to refrain from re-identifying the data and to pass this obligation on to downstream recipients.

8. interest-based advertising

Interest-based advertising (also known as online behavioral advertising) occurs when advertisements are displayed based on information collected from your online interactions over time and across multiple websites you visit or various devices or online services that you may use. Companies that engage in interest-based advertising use this information to predict your preferences and show you ads most likely to interest you.

Some content, applications, and tracking technologies on our websites and mobile applications are controlled by third parties, which include ad tech companies (such as Meta or Google) or other online service providers that serve interest-based advertisements. These third parties may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our websites, apps, and elsewhere on the Internet and use that information to provide measurement services and interest-based advertising.

We do not control these third parties' collection or use of your information to serve interest-based advertising. However, these third parties may provide ways to refrain from having your information collected or used in this way.

For example, you can block the collection and use of information related to you by online platforms and ad tech companies to serve interest-based advertising by visiting the following websites of the self-regulatory programs of which those companies are members:

  • The NAI’s opt-out page is available here.

  • The DAA’s opt-out page is available here.

You may still see “contextual” ads even if you opt out of interest-based ads. These ads, however, are based on the context of what you are looking at on the websites and pages you visit. Even if you opt out of interest-based ads, you will still receive these non-personalized, contextual ads.

9. third-party content & links

Some content or links on our websites and mobile apps may be served or made available by third parties, including the following:

User Content:
Our websites and mobile applications may allow you to upload your content to be displayed to the public. Any information you submit becomes public, and we do not control how others may use the content you submit. We are not responsible for uses made by others that may violate our privacy policy, the law, or your intellectual property rights.

Third-Party Links:
Our websites and mobile applications may contain links to other sites, which we do not control. Those websites have their privacy policies and terms.

10. how we protect your personal information

We implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information we maintain, including appropriate technical, administrative, and physical measures designed to protect information from unauthorized or illegal access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. You also play an essential role in protecting your information. It is your responsibility to select a strong password, change it regularly, not reuse or share it, and alert us if you have any concerns about unauthorized use of your account.

11. your rights & choices

We value our relationship with you and the trust you place in us. Keeping your information current and your communications preferences are essential to that relationship.

We understand that our customers are individuals, and communication preferences will vary by customer. That is why we offer you the ability to manage what types of communications you receive from us and the ability to manage or change your preferences. Your rights may vary depending on where you are located. We have created mechanisms to provide you with the following options:

Updating your account information:
If you have an account with us, you can log in and update, modify, and delete data from your account.

Managing your marketing and other communication preferences:
You can manage your marketing and other communications preferences (text, email, push, purchase-based advertising, etc.) by logging into your account on the relevant website or mobile app. Your communications preferences can be managed under your account’s “Preferences” section.

To opt out of receiving personalized offers and coupons by regular mail from us, please get in touch with us. You may still receive non-personalized mailers and flyers sent to your physical mailing address.

Please allow a reasonable amount of time for any changes you request to take effect.

Alternatively, you can unsubscribe from any marketing emails or text messages we may send you by clicking the unsubscribe option in the footer of the email or texting “STOP” in response to a text message you receive from us.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:
You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable certain cookies, please note that parts of our websites may not function properly. If you have opted out of sales or set other preferences, those opt-outs or preferences may be lost if you delete your cookies.

Interest-Based Advertising:
Information about interest-based advertising and how to opt out of it is described in the Interest-Based Advertising section of this notice.

State Privacy Rights:
If you live in one of the states listed below, you may have additional rights concerning your personal information. Please see our additional disclosures below to learn about those rights.

12. changes to this notice

This notice is subject to change at our discretion. We will indicate changes to the notice by updating the “Last Updated” date at the beginning of the notice. We will communicate material changes to you by applicable law, which may include a notice on the website home page or a notice to the email address specified in your account (if you have an account with us). Your continued use of our websites or other services after any update to this notice will constitute your acceptance of our changes.

13. contacting us

We are ready to take your questions and comments about this policy or our privacy practices. You can call us at 1(864)631-5090 or via email at

14. state-specific disclosures

Nevada Privacy Rights

If you live in Nevada, you can opt out of the sale of your personal information by completing the privacy request form here.

Privacy Notice for California Residents

1. Introduction and Scope

This Privacy Notice for California residents supplements the information contained in our Pendleton Cigar Ltd Co Privacy Statement and applies to residents of the State of California (“consumers” or “you”). We adopt this notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended, and with related regulations, the “CCPA”), and any terms defined in the CCPA shall have the same meaning when used in this notice.

This notice does not apply to workforce-related personal information collected from California-based employees, job applicants, contractors, or similar individuals. But does apply to personal data collected in business-to-business (B2B) transactions.

This notice applies to “personal information” that we collect, meaning information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household ("personal information"). Personal information does not include:

  • Publicly available information from government records.

  • De-identified or aggregated consumer information.

  • Information excluded from the CCPA's scope, like health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA), clinical trial data, or other qualifying research data.

  • The information covered by sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), the California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

2. CCPA Notice at Collection

We collect information to save you time and money, deliver the products and services you request to enhance your shopping experience, and support our business operations.

We may collect the personal and sensitive personal information categories in the tables below. The tables also list, for each category, use purposes and whether we may or currently do share the information with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising.

To opt out of personal information sharing, visit our privacy preference center by clicking the link below. More information about our data practices can be found in our full Privacy Statement.


Except as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law or regulation, we will retain your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it or for other compatible purposes we disclosed.

For example:

  • If we have one and you are a loyalty card member, we retain personal information related to your account for as long as you are a customer.

  • We keep CCTV footage for 45 days unless needed for safety, security, or legal purposes.

3. Other CCPA Disclosures:

The following describes our online and offline information practices over the previous 12 months and other disclosures required by the CCPA.

(A) Personal information collected:
The categories of personal and sensitive personal information we collected about consumers in the past 12 months are the same as those described in our Notice at Collection.

(B) Sources of personal information:
Please refer to How We Collect Your Personal Information, which describes the sources of personal information.

(C) Purpose for collecting personal information:
Please see our Notice at Collection to explain why we collect personal information.

(D) Information about personal information that we have shared:
From time to time, we may use or disclose your information in a manner considered “sharing” under California law to provide the most relevant product recommendations and deliver marketing messages and personalized offers through select companies (e.g., analytics, advertising, and technology companies). Those companies help us match your interests with brands who want to send promotions and offers that we believe save you money on products you buy frequently and help you discover new products or services that you might like. When we work with these companies, your privacy, data integrity, and security remain a priority.

The table below identifies the categories of information we have shared and the categories of third parties to whom data was shared during the last 12 months. We do not knowingly share consumers’ personal information under 21 years of age.

In cases where we have shared personal information, we have done so for the following purposes:

  • To operate our business

  • To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising

  • For Interest-Based Advertising, including cross-context advertising purposes

  • To conduct business analytics

shared during the prior 12 months

(E) Personal information that we have disclosed for a business purpose:
During the prior 12 months, we have disclosed personal data for the following business purposes:

  • To provide you with products and services

  • To provide product recall notifications.

  • To operate our businesses

  • To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising

  • To communicate with you

  • For research purposes

  • To design and develop new product and service offerings

  • To conduct business analytics

  • For safety and security purposes

  • To improve our products and service offerings

  • For other internal business purposes

  • To fulfill our legal obligations.

  • To fulfill or meet the request

The table below describes the categories of recipients to whom information was disclosed for a business purpose during the prior 12 months:

disclosed during the prior 12 months

4. Your California Privacy Rights

The CCPA provides California consumers (residents) with specific rights regarding their personal information, including:

  • The right to know about personal information we collect about you and how it is used and disclosed

  • The right to delete personal data (with some exceptions)

  • The right to correct inaccurate personal information

  • The right to opt out of the sale and sharing of your personal data for cross-context advertising

  • In some cases, the right to limit the use or disclosure of sensitive personal information

  • The right to non-discrimination for exercising your CCPA rights

(A) Your Right to Know:
You have the right to know what personal information we have collected about you. Once we receive your request and verify your identity (as described below), we will disclose to you:

  • The categories of personal information

  • The categories of sources from which the personal information has been collected

  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information

  • The categories of third parties with whom we disclose your personal information.

  • The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you

  • If we sold your personal information or shared your data for cross-context behavioral advertising, the categories of personal information we have sold or shared.

(B) Your Right to Delete:
You have the right to request that we delete personal information that we have collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive your request and verify your identity, we will review the request to see if an exception applies that allows us to retain some or all of your information. We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service providers to:

  • Complete the transaction for which we collected the personal information, provide a good or service that you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, fulfill the terms of a written warranty or product recall conducted in accordance with federal law, or otherwise perform our contract with you.

  • Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible.

  • Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.

  • Exercise free speech to ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech or another right provided for by law.

  • Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 et. seq.).

  • Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws when the information's deletion may likely render impossible or seriously impair the research's achievement if you previously provided informed consent.

  • Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us.

  • Comply with a legal obligation.

  • Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it.

We will delete or de-identify personal information not subject to one of these exceptions from our records and direct our service providers to take similar action. If an exception applies, we will provide you with information about that exception.

(C) Your Right to Correct:
You have the right to correct inaccurate personal information that we maintain about you. In some cases, we may ask that you provide additional documentation to support your request. Once we receive your request and verify your identity, we may deny your request to correct personal information if we believe that the personal information we maintain is more likely than not accurate based upon the totality of the circumstances.

(D) Your Right to Opt-Out of Sales and Sharing for Cross-Context-Behavioral Advertising:
We do not share the personal information of consumers who we know are younger than 21 years of age.

Some of our websites or mobile apps use cookies or other tracking technologies, which may be considered a sale under the CCPA or may be used for cross-context behavioral advertising. Apart from our websites, we may disclose or otherwise make your data available to others in a manner considered a sale under the CCPA.

You may request that we stop selling or sharing your personal information (“opt-out”). With some exceptions, we cannot sell your data after we receive your opt-out request unless you provide authorization allowing us to do so again. We must wait at least 12 months before asking you to opt back into our sale of your personal information.

(E) Your Right to Limit Use of Your Sensitive Personal Information:
In some cases, you have the right to limit the use of your precise geolocation information. This data is considered sensitive personal information under the CCPA.

We do not provide a “right to limit” your sensitive personal information in cases where we are permitted to use such data under the CCPA without offering you the “right to limit” your use.

(F) Right to Non-Discrimination:
You cannot be discriminated against for exercising your CCPA rights.

5. How to Exercise Your CCPA Rights

(A) Your right to know, delete, or correct:
To exercise your right to know, delete, or correct as described above, please submit a request by either:

  • Selecting the privacy right you wish to exercise on our Privacy Request Forms.

  • Calling us at 1(864)631-5090

We will only use personal information provided in a consumer request to verify the request. We will not further disclose the personal data and will retain it only as necessary for verification and to meet our legal obligations. We cannot fulfill your request if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information that the subject of the request relates to you.

(B) Your right to opt out of sales and sharing:
To opt out, you (or your authorized representative) may submit a request to us by visiting our Privacy Request Forms. You may also opt out of sales or share on our websites through an opt-out preference signal. To process your request through an opt-out preference signal, you must use a browser supporting the preference signal. If you choose to use an opt-out preference signal, we will opt you out of sales and sharing in the context of cookies and tracking technologies from the browser for which you have the opt-out preference signal enabled.

(C) How to limit the use of sensitive personal information:
You may restrict our use of precise geolocation information by utilizing our Privacy Request Forms. If you change your mind, you can opt back in at any time.

6. Who May Submit Requests?

Only you or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf (an authorized agent) may make a request under the CCPA on another consumer’s behalf. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child.

Requests to know, correct, or delete:
If you use an authorized agent to submit a request, we may require that the authorized agent provide proof that you gave the agent signed permission to submit the request. In addition, we may also require you to do either of the following: (1) verify your identity directly with us or (2) directly confirm with us that you have provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request on your behalf. These proof requirements do not apply if the agent has a power of attorney pursuant to the California Probate Code.

We may only accept a request from an authorized agent if the agent can meet the above requirements. Further, before responding to a request from an authorized agent, we will still require the authorized agent to provide us with enough information so that we can verify your identity.

Requests to opt out and limit sharing:
You may also use an authorized agent to exercise opt-out rights and limit the use of sensitive personal information. In each case, the agent must provide documentation demonstrating that you have provided signed permission to the agent to exercise these rights with us on your behalf. We may only accept the request if we receive such proof.

7. How often can you submit requests?

With limited exceptions, you may only make a verifiable consumer request to know your personal information twice within 12 months.

8. How do we verify requests?

Before fulfilling your request, we take steps to verify you are who you say you are or that you have the authority to act on someone else’s behalf. One way we verify you is through your account. If you do not provide your account number, we may request additional information to verify your identity, and if you are submitting a request on behalf of someone else, to confirm that you are permitted to act on that person’s behalf

When we contact you for verification information, please respond and provide the information that we have requested. Depending on the nature of your request, we may require you to verify your identity to either a "reasonable degree of certainty" or a "high degree of certainty.” This means we must match two or three pieces of information we hold about you with the information you provide. In addition, we may ask for knowledge-based qualifiers during the verification process. This data we need to match or ask for you to provide may include but is not limited to email address, Loyalty ID, mailing address, phone number, date of last purchase, and purchase amount.

In some cases, we may require you to sign a declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer whose personal information is the subject of the request or that you are authorized to request on behalf of someone else.

In addition to providing the information we need to verify you or your authority, you must provide us with enough information so that we can understand, evaluate, and respond to your request. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot confirm the personal information relates to you.

We will only use the personal information provided in the request to verify the requestor's identity or authority to make it.

9. CCPA Metrics Report

We have prepared a report on the status of CCPA privacy requests for the previous year. This report details the number of requests to know, requests to delete, requests to opt out of sale and sharing, requests to correct, and requests to limit the use of sensitive personal information that we received, complied with, and denied, as well as the mean number of days within which we responded to each privacy request. To view the CCPA metrics report, click here.

10. Notice of Financial Incentive

Our membership programs provide discounts on eligible products and services that have yet to be determined. If you decide to exercise your CCPA privacy rights, we will delete your contact information, including your physical address and email, after we verify your eligibility to make the request. This will make it impossible for us to provide many services to you, including delivery, email communications, personalized offers, content, and experiences.

If you wish to withdraw your consent and opt out of our loyalty programs, contact PendletonCigar Ltd Co by telephone at 1(864)-631-5090 or email at

11. Other California Disclosures

(A) Shine the Light:
California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits California residents to opt out of our disclosure of their personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. You may submit an “opt-out” of sales and sharing request via our CCPA Privacy Request Forms.

Californians may request information about our compliance with this law by contacting us at or by sending a letter to:

Pendleton Cigar Ltd.
1212 Five Forks Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
Attention: Privacy Officer

Any such request must include your name and “California Shine the Light Privacy Rights Request” in the first line of the description and, if sent by mail, must include your street address, city, state, and zip code.

Please note that “Shine the Light” rights and CCPA rights are granted by different laws and must be exercised separately.

(B) Do Not Track:
We do not respond to “Do Not Track” (DNT) signals. However, we honor opt-out preference signals (global privacy control) as described above.

Other State Consumer Privacy Disclosures

The disclosures in this section supplement our general privacy notice and are made pursuant to the following state consumer privacy laws:

  • Colorado Privacy Act

  • Connecticut Data Privacy Act

  • Utah Consumer Privacy Act

  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act

This section will collectively refer to these laws as State Consumer Privacy Laws. References to “personal information” in our general privacy notice describe our practices concerning “personal data,” as defined under these State Consumer Privacy Laws.

Categories of Personal Data and Purposes of Processing

You can learn more about the categories of personal data and sensitive data we collect about consumers and the purpose for processing your data by visiting our Privacy Statement.

In addition to the sensitive data categories listed in our CCPA Notice at Collection, in select stores, we may collect biometric information, such as facial recognition data, when you enter our stores for security purposes to protect the health and safety of our customers and associates, and to prevent, investigate, and prosecute shoplifting, fraud, and other criminal activities. We provide notice at the point of entry in locations where we collect biometric information.

Categories of Personal Data Shared with Third Parties

We may use, disclose, or make available the categories of personal data listed below for targeted advertising purposes or in a manner that we have determined is likely considered a “sale” under the State Consumer Privacy Laws:

  • Personal identifiers

  • Contact information

  • Transaction and commercial information

  • Online and other technical information

  • Inferences

When we disclose or otherwise make such information available, we may do so to the following categories of third parties: adtech partners or vendors, social networks, internet service providers, technology vendors, analytic providers, and third-party matching agents.

Your Rights Under State Consumer Privacy Laws

If you are a resident of a state that has enacted a State Consumer Privacy Law, then, subject to certain conditions and exclusions, you have the following rights regarding personal data:

Right to access:
You have the right to request access to and obtain a copy of any personal data we may hold about you.

Right to correct:
You have the right to request that we correct inaccuracies in your data. Although Utah law does not grant its residents this right, we grant Utah residents the right to request correction of their data.

Right to delete:
You have the right to request that we delete personal data we have collected from or obtained about you.

Right to opt out of the sale of personal data:
You may request that we stop disclosing or making available your data in a way that is considered a “sale.”

Right to opt out of targeted advertising:
You may request that we stop disclosures of personal data for targeted advertising.

Right to withdraw consent:
If you have previously granted us consent to process your sensitive data, you have the right to withdraw consent.

Right to opt out of profiling:
You have the right to opt out of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects. We do not profile in a manner that would result in legal or similarly significant effects and, as such, do not offer this right.

Right to appeal:
If you live in Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia and are unsatisfied with our decision not to take action on your request to exercise one of your privacy rights, you may appeal our decision. Although Utah law does not grant its residents this right, we accept appeals from Utah residents using the same process.

Right to non-discrimination:
If you choose to exercise any of these privacy rights described above, we will not deny products or services, charge different prices, or provide a different level or quality of products or services unless those differences are related to the value of your data.

How to Exercise Your Rights Under State Consumer privacy Laws

You may exercise your privacy rights, by either:

We will only use personal data that you provide in a request to authenticate the request. We will not further disclose the personal data and will retain it only as necessary for authentication and to meet our legal obligations. We cannot fulfill your request if we cannot authenticate it and confirm the personal data that is the subject of the request relates to you.

Authorized Agents

If you are a Colorado or Connecticut resident, you may use an authorized agent (a person or entity acting on your behalf) to submit a request to opt out of our processing of personal data for targeted advertising or sales. If you use an authorized agent to submit a request, we will not act on that request unless we can authenticate, with commercially reasonable effort, both your identity and the authorized agent’s authority to act on your behalf.